What is Online Gaming Addiction?

Studies suggest that gaming disorder affects only a small proportion of people who engage in digital or video gaming activities, including video game players. However, those who partake in games should be aware of the amount of time they spend on gaming activities, particularly when it comes to excluding other daily activities, as well as any changes in their physical or psychological health and social functioning that may be attributed to their gaming behavior. If a person experiences hyperarousal while playing video games, the brain associates the activity with dopamine. Some individuals who are engrossed in screen time or video games while neglecting other normal activities, such as video game players, may be close to meeting this definition.

It has also been observed that many teenagers, including video game players, become so involved in video games that they don't even take the time to go to the bathroom. Parents should set reasonable limits for the time their child spends in front of the screen and the types of video games, especially if the use of screens prevents their child from participating in other activities. Online gaming is highly popular, with at least one person playing video games present in two-thirds of American households, according to the Entertainment Software Association. In some cases, children even avoid stopping the game to go to the bathroom, which can lead to hygiene issues. Passive screen time includes viewing screens with minimal cognitive participation, such as browsing social media, watching online videos, or playing simple games. There are those who, mostly children, spend so much time playing video games that, in their own words, they fall behind in their social skills.

The ICD-11 describes gaming disorder as a recurrent video game that leads to a deterioration of control over the game and an increasing priority to games, insofar as games take precedence over other interests of life and daily activities, despite negative consequences. She states that problems with video games are often found in children who also have a diagnosis such as ADHD or autism spectrum disorder, while young people who have issues with social media are more likely to receive a diagnosis such as depression or anxiety. A small minority of players may develop the problem, but classifying the disorder could lead to early warning signs that prevent addiction, he said. Like smoking, alcohol, or drugs, screen time or video games can become an addiction if they harm your health and relationships, and you can't control it. Video games or social media can be avoided, but most students need to use computers for schoolwork, develop technical workplace skills, and learn to combat distraction and procrastination as part of growing up.

If you're a parent of a player, a therapist can show you how to set limits on your child's play time if you're having difficulty saying no.

Gaston Deparis
Gaston Deparis

Total internet fan. Unapologetic food scholar. General twitter fanatic. Incurable coffee evangelist. Lifelong beeraholic.